In the United States several municipalities have passed ordinances (in Canada, we call these municipal bylaws) recognizing the rights of nature . For example, the municipality of Tamaqua Borough, Pennsylvania passed a rights based ordinance making it unlawful for corporations to interfere with or cause damage to natural communities and ecosystems ) . This ordinance states that “natural communities, and ecosystems shall be considered “persons” for purposes of the enforcement of … civil rights”.
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, an ordinance was passed to prevent fracking . Section 618.03 of Pittsburgh’s Code of Ordinances states that “natural communities and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, wetlands, streams, rivers, aquifers, and other water systems, possess inalienable and fundamental rights to exist and flourish” . Further, the Code states that residents of the City possess legal standing to enforce those rights on behalf of the natural communities and ecosystems .
There are also ordinances in Mora County, New Mexico; Spokane, Washington; Barnstead, New Hampshire; Blaine, Washington County; Shapleigh, Maine; Santa Monica, California; and others .