In 2017, Mexico City adopted rights of nature into its constitution :
Article 13: The right to the preservation and protection of nature will be guaranteed by Mexico City authorities in the scope of their competence, always promoting citizen participation in this subject .
Although not rights of nature per se, the Mexico City Constitution also guarantees everyone a right to a healthy environment and a commitment that authorities will take necessary steps for the protection of the environment and the preservation and restoration of ecological balance . The Constitution also indicates that a secondary law will be passed to “recognize and regulate the broadest protection of the rights of nature made up of all its ecosystems and species as a collective entity subject to rights” . At this time, it is not clear that such a secondary law has been passed.
It should also be noted that the State of Oaxaca in Mexico recently passed a constitutional amendment recognizing rights of nature . This amendment granted nature rights of preservation, protection of its elements, exercise of its vital and natural cycles and ecological functions, integral restoration of its ecological balance, and legal representation .