- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, “Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7
- Craig Kauffman and Pamela L. Martin, Comparing Rights of Nature Laws in the U.S., Ecuador, and New Zealand: Evolving Strategies in the Battle Between Environmental Protection and “Development” (February 23, 2017) International Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, U.S.A. at 42
- Thomas Berry, Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community (San Francisco: 2006, Sierra Club Books)
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, “Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, “Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, “Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, “Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7
- Craig Kauffman and Pamela L. Martin, Comparing Rights of Nature Laws in the U.S., Ecuador, and New Zealand: Evolving Strategies in the Battle Between Environmental Protection and “Development” (February 23, 2017) International Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, U.S.A.
- Oliver A. Houck, “Noah’s Second Voyage: The Rights of Nature as Law” (2017) 31:1 Tulane Envir. L. J. 1
- Oliver A. Houck, “Noah’s Second Voyage: The Rights of Nature as Law” (2017) 31:1 Tulane Envir. L. J. 1
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- Water Act 1989 (Vic) at Part 3AA
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7 at 7
- Erin L. O’Donnell and Julia Talbot-Jones, Creating legal rights for rivers: lessons from Australia, New Zealand, and India” (2018) 23:1 Ecol. And Soc. 7 at 10
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)
- online:
- Susanna Borras, “New Transitions from Human Rights to the Environment to the Rights of Nature” (2016) 5:1 TEL 113 at 129
- This case is described in Susanna Borras, “New Transitions from Human Rights to the Environment to the Rights of Nature” (2016) 5:1 TEL 113 at 140 to 141
- Erika Solimeo and Susan Shaw, Law and Policy Briefing: Giving Nature a Voice – Legal Rights and personhood for Nature (Edinburgh: 2018, Living Law)